Monday, September 14, 2009

A long hiatus

Hmm... it's been about thirteen months since my last post. Much has happened in the world and in my life. I turned 20, finished my first year at IU with a 3.2 cumulative gpa. By itself, this isn't terribly impressive, but I jumped from a 2.74 gpa first semester to a 3.74 second semester. This was a huge personal accomplishment for me. I've never received a GPA as high as what I did second semester, and I did it taking the hardest classes I've ever taken. This triumph signaled a change in my self-perception regarding my academic abilities. My official version for most of my life was that I had the ability, but chose not to go the full distance, and languished in mediocrity. Obviously, I changed this last semester, and the results show. Now that I've discovered academic motivation, I'm never going back to the Calvin-esque underachiever I once was. I still love Calvin and Hobbes though. If i ever get terminal cancer, my Make-a-Wish will be to meet Bill Waterson. 

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